What's Next?
Saturday, Oct 12, 2019

On August 20th of this year I made a silent commitment to myself that I would write one blog post every single day. I initially intended to do it only for 30 days, but found myself eager to continue to the trend.

For someone who has previously struggled to regularly post content, the commitment was a valuable exercise in discipline. As Anne Morrow Lindbergh says, writing is thinking. Writing regularly taught me not only how to overcome writers block, but also forced me to regularly clarify and refine my thoughts.

I am also a strong believer in being pragmatic, making sure that you do the right thing for the right season. There is a non-trivial overhead to writing daily, and while the benefits are great, there are other endeavors I now wish to spend my thinking budget on. Thus, a new format moving forward: One post per week, every Monday morning.